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Would-be Robber Pays Back Store Owner Who Showed Kindness

Would-be Robber Pays Back Store Owner Who Showed Kindness
In June, a man tried to steal money from a deli, but the shopkeeper provided the robber with forty dollars and a loaf of bread and made him promise never to steal again. Now, the would-be robber in Long Island has paid back the store owner.

A would-be robber in Long Island has paid a store owner back.

In June, a robber tried to steal money from a deli, but the shopkeeper provided the man with forty dollars and a loaf of bread, and made him promise never to steal again after saying a prayer.

The robber has now paid that money back, sending a letter that  read in part, "I know it was wrong, but I had to feed my family." He said he had turned to religion instead.

Watch the updated AP story below…

Watch the original story here: Armed Shopkeeper Takes Pity on Robber


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