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Healthiest Cities in US: Lincoln, Nebraska is #1

Healthiest Cities in US: Lincoln, Nebraska is #1
The top four healthiest cities for 2007 according to the US Centers for Disease Control are: Lincoln, Nebraska, Fargo, North Dakota, Boulder, Colorado, and Burlington, Vermont.

The top four healthiest cities for 2007 according to the US Centers for Disease Control are: Lincoln, Nebraska; Fargo, North Dakota; Boulder, Colorado; and Burlington, Vermont. The ranking is created by asking people who in metropolitan areas if they feel they are in great health, good health, or poor health. Topping the healthy list was Lincoln, Neb., where 92.8% of residents say their health is good or better and only 7.2% report fair or poor health. The people in cities with the highest numbers citing poor health were Mobile, AL; McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, TX; Laredo, TX; and ranking most unhealthy, Huntington, West Virginia. (Entire list follows below)

Cities are ranked from healthiest (Lincoln) to unhealthiest (Huntington). Cities are shown according to the metropolitan area to which they belong. Some metropolitan areas cross state lines.

Healthiest Cities:

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