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Inspired by Sister's Death, Girl Helps Young Brain Tumor Patients Make Films

Angelight Films is a non-profit production company that gives children with brain and spinal cord tumors the opportunity to express themselves by creating and even starring in their own short film. Inspired by her sister who died of a brain tumor at age 5, Stephanie Angel founded Angelight Films as a creative outlet that helps children heal and recognize their inner light.

Orchestra Brings Joy In Midst of Desperate Congo

For decades, everything to come out of the Democratic Republic of Congo has not been good: civil war, child soldiers and atrocities against women. The fact that an orchestra managed to exist in the midst of all of this was remarkable. 200 musicians defy the poverty of their war-torn country in a symphony orchestra that moves the hearts of all who hear.

Aging Better With Art: Low-Income Seniors Thrive in Artists Colony

Tim Carpenter is changing the way elderly Californians experience aging by turning low-cost senior housing communities into vibrant centers for learning and creativity. The 13-year-old Los Angeles-area program, EngAGE, provides arts, theater and wellness classes for some 5,000 people — the vast majority of them low-income — living in senior apartment communities.

Flash Mob Cheers Unemployment Office in Spain

A flashmob brought Smiles returning to the faces of crowds in an employment office in Madrid, Spain. Musicians planted themselves among the jobless, hiding their instruments, until one lone oboe began to play the opening notes to Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles. Little darling, it's been a long, cold, lonely winter.

Aging Better With Art: Low-Income Seniors Thrive in Artists Colony

Tim Carpenter is changing the way elderly Californians experience aging by turning low-cost senior housing communities into vibrant centers for learning and creativity. The 13-year-old Los Angeles-area program, EngAGE, provides arts, theater and wellness classes for some 5,000 people — the vast majority of them low-income — living in senior apartment communities.

Orchestra Plays Hero to 4th Grade Student

Aidan Milligan's home will be alive with the sound of music once again. The Philadelphia Orchestra has stepped in to offer a replacement trombone to a 9-year-old with Down syndrome, whose instrument was taken from the curb outside his house Thursday morning.