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Bahrain Appoints its First Woman Judge

Women are making inroads in the government of Bahrain, a tiny Persian Gulf country that first gave women the right to vote and stand as candidates in national elections after the constitution was amended in 2002.

First Election After Arab Spring is Heartening for Tunisians and World

In Tunisia, following the first free election after the overthrow of the former dictatorship, the Islamist Ennahda Party that won 40 percent of the seats announced it would form a coalition government with one of the secular progressive parties and promised to recognize the rights of all citizens, women, men, religious and non-religious.

Peace Being Sown Among Olive Trees

two Israeli rights groups - the Association for Civil Rights in Israel and Rabbis for Human Rights - filed a court petition and this season, an Israeli high court decision granted Palestinian farmers protection from settler violence giving Amer the ability to harvest the olives from his 60 trees.

Across Israel, Arabs and Jews Live Together in Peace

This video was created in order to show a side of Israel that the media doesn't show. All across Israel, both Arabs and Jews are living together peacefully in the hopes that someday the conflict will be resolved. So next time you hear about Israel in the news, think about the side of Israel that they are choosing not to show you.

Israeli and Palestinian Presidents to Pray Together at Vatican

Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will meet at the Vatican and pray for peace together at an unprecedented gathering on June 8, the Vatican said on Thursday. In one of his boldest political gestures since his election in March, 2013, Pope Francis invited the two leaders to come to the Vatican […]

Roller Derby Empowers Egyptian Women

Roller derby is a female-dominated sport where both the blades and the punches roll. Over the past three years, a group of Egyptian women have become aficionados hardcore fans of the sport. But in a country where many women face harassment on a daily basis, roller derby is much more than just a game.