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Why the World's Best Mathematicians Are Apparently Hoarding Chalk Made Out of 'Angel Tears'

Why the World's Best Mathematicians Are Apparently Hoarding Chalk Made Out of 'Angel Tears'
No one knows what makes Hagoromo chalk so perfect - but its legendary reputation amongst mathematicians worldwide is being preserved and carried on.

While mathematics may contain the secrets of the universe, the world's best mathematicians have been particularly interested in the secret behind this chalk formula.

Professors and educators around the world have been hoarding a certain kind of Japanese chalk that was previously made by a company called Hagoromo.

Most people are still mystified by the recipe and techniques that were used to make the utensils, but one professor said he assumed the secret ingredient was "angel tears."

After Hagoromo went out of business, teachers desperately started hoarding the chalk and trading it like precious jewels.

Thankfully, a Korean company bought the chalk recipe from Hagoromo and continued making the sticks - but listening to educators talk about their longtime romance with the chalk is still priceless.

(LISTEN to the intriguing story below) - Photo by Great Big Story

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