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What Does it Mean to Be Healthy? Top Ways Americans Will Pursue Self-Care in 2024

What Does it Mean to Be Healthy? Top Ways Americans Will Pursue Self-Care in 2024
The majority of Americans (62%) believe there are too many different ideas of what it means to be "healthy", according to new survey.

The majority of Americans (62%) believe there are too many different ideas of what it means to be "healthy", according to new survey.

Based on the random double-opt-in poll of 2,000 U.S. adults, over 40 percent point to eating healthy foods and being physically active.

But this view may be holding Americans back from other factors that impact their health: just 29% consider getting 7 hours of sleep as part of being healthy—even though scientific research shows it has a direct link to memory, dementia, mental health, and longevity.

Even fewer respondents see the health value of having a positive mindset (25%) or seeking mental health care (12%), even though research shows that optimism might add years to your life.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Cambia Health Foundation, which supports more accessible health care, 80% of respondents said their doctor always asks about their physical health, but nearly a third said they're never asked about their mental health (29%).

39% weren't aware that it can have a direct impact on physical health, and 50% reported they've never received mental health care.

Besides those who felt like they didn't need it (42%), others were open to mental health care but haven't sought help because it was too expensive (14%) or they couldn't find the time (11%).

One thing that respondents can agree on is that being healthy means more than just visiting the doctor (82%).

Yet, one-third admitted that they often put-off taking care of certain health concerns and they avoid seeking medical care because of concerns over what the doctor will find (33%).

One in five Americans surveyed rate their intake of healthy foods as below-average, but looking toward the future, 84% of Americans want to do better in making their health a priority as they get older.

In fact, 65% are feeling inspired to take better care of their health.


1. Be more physically active — 40% 2. Eat healthier foods — 37% 3. Maintain a positive mindset — 30% 4. Spend time doing things they love — 22% 5. Sleep more hours — 22% 6. Spend more time with loved ones — 19% 7. Set goals for themselves — 16% 8. Monitor stress levels — 16% 9. Utilize products that help their body internally (vitamins, superfoods) — 14% 10. Visit their health care provider more often — 12%

Here's hoping that we all can improve our health in at least one of these areas in 2024.

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