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Watch Adorable Baby's Spot-on Imitation of Mom's High-Pitched Singing

Watch Adorable Baby's Spot-on Imitation of Mom's High-Pitched Singing
This 15-month-old tot did her best to imitate her momma's singing – and the result is unbelievably adorable.

While some parents might be celebrating a baby's first steps, this mom is delighted to discover that her 15-month old daughter is probably going to be on American Idol one day.

Michelle Neely and her daughter were on the couch one day back in 2015 when the mother-of-three started singing "I love you".

When she pauses to smile at her daughter Gemma Kate, the youngster glances at her mother before looking back at the camera and imitating her mother's singing.

Gemma Kate then repeats the little tune after her mother several more times – and each rendition is as adorable as the last.

The endearing video of the Arizona family's exchange has wracked up 6 million views over the years – but it only serves to get even cuter with age.

(WATCH the video below)

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