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Cop Apprehends Suspect - All While Dressed as Batman

Cop Apprehends Suspect - All While Dressed as Batman
The real Batman would have been proud of this police officer giving chase to an alleged Walmart thief earlier this month.

Alleged theft is no laughing matter - but it is made slightly more lighthearted when the arresting officer happens to be dressed as Batman.

Damon Cole, a Fort Worth, Texas police officer who dresses as superheroes for charity, was participating in a child safety event as the caped crusader at a local Walmart when a man walking out the door set off the security alarms.

Cole stopped the man at his car and identified himself as a police officer, asking about the alarm.

Damon Cole, a Fort Worth, Texas police officer who dresses as superheroes for charity, was participating in a child safety event as the caped crusader at a local Walmart when a man walking out the door set off the security alarms.

Cole stopped the man at his car and identified himself as a police officer, asking about the alarm.

The man initially insisted that he wasn't hiding anything, but he eventually admitted that he had been stealing four DVDs - including The LEGO Batman Movie - for his son's birthday.

The suspect then apparently asked if he could take a selfie with Cole because: "It's not every day that you're arrested by Batman." Cole was more than happy to oblige.

The incident was just another day on the job for Officer Cole. When he isn't working as a full-time police officer, he dresses up as Superman, the Hulk, Iron Man, and Batman so he can travel across the country and visit children with cancer. He has paid out of pocket for all of his costumes and hospital trips, resulting in a hefty $8,000 price tag.

Cole has since started a nonprofit called Heroes and Cops to better finance his trips and secure corporate donations.

(WATCH the video below)

Holy Social Media, Batman! Click To Share With Your Friends (Photos by Damon Cole)

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