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Watch Two Australian Police Officers Rescue Drowning Kangaroo Because 'Every Life is Worth Saving'

Watch Two Australian Police Officers Rescue Drowning Kangaroo Because 'Every Life is Worth Saving'
Not all heroes wear capes - but according to the footage of these two rescuers diving into the ocean last weekend, they might wear police badges.

Two Australian police officers are being hailed as heroes after they dove into some dicey ocean waves in order to rescue a drowning kangaroo last weekend.

Sergeants Christopher Russo and Kirby Tonkin were called to the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria when a beachgoer spotted the troubled marsupial struggling in the surf.

The good Samaritan was able to pull the kangaroo from the waves before calling the police and waiting for help to arrive - but just as the cops were approaching the beach, the confused roo got spooked and took off into the ocean once more.

Though the animal was only under the water for a short amount of time, it quickly resurfaced with a great deal of foam coming out of its nose, a clear sign that it was drowning.

Russo grabbed the animal's tail while Tonkin cradled its head and they both carried the roo to shore. Once it was safely on land, they conducted CPR until the animal started breathing and regained a heartbeat.

The Victoria police force published footage of the rescue to Facebook where it has quickly garnered thousands of positive responses from appreciative viewers.

The officers simply told Australian news outlets that it was a "good feeling" to have successfully rescued the roo since "every life is worth saving and we just did what we could."

The Victoria police force added that "the roo is currently being cared for but is said to be in good spirits and lucky to be alive given the amount of salt water he inhaled, thanks to his rescuers."

(WATCH the video below) - Photo by Victoria Police

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