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After Serving 3 Million Meals in Puerto Rico, Chef Travels Ahead of Hurricane Florence to Feed Even More

After Serving 3 Million Meals in Puerto Rico, Chef Travels Ahead of Hurricane Florence to Feed Even More
Celebrity chef José Andrés is no stranger to natural disaster – which is exactly why he hurried into Hurricane Florence to feed the people in need.

After Puerto Rico was clobbered by Hurricane Maria, this celebrity chef and his team were on the ground serving meals to all of the survivors. Now, he has set up shop right in the middle of Hurricane Florence so he can feed everybody throughout the storm.

José Andrés and his nonprofit World Central Kitchen are responsible for feeding millions of people during every kind of natural disaster. In Puerto Rico alone, he served over 3.6 million meals and his team stayed for an entire year to keep making food for the recovering nation.

Last week, he and his volunteers set up kitchens in Raleigh and Wilmington, North Carolina – the most endangered parts of the state – just days before the storm.

According to CNN, the team has already delivered over 140,000 meals to dozens of shelters, police stations, response teams, neighborhoods, and families without access to food in the Carolinas.

Over the course of the last week, World Central Kitchen has reportedly been the only food relief operation that is currently serving on a large scale in the affected counties – and they still insisted on risking the weather in order to deliver their meals.

"Even though there is still a lot of flooding, I believe yesterday was more dangerous than today. I'm just glad the storm is finally over and people can start getting their lives back to normal," he told CNN.

(WATCH the video below)

Feed Your Friends Some Positivity And Share The Good News – Photo by World Central Kitchen

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