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Flight Attendant Adopts Stray Dog That Always Awaited Her Return From Countries Abroad

Flight Attendant Adopts Stray Dog That Always Awaited Her Return From Countries Abroad
No matter how long it took, Rubio would always await Olivia's return outside her hotel – even when she was gone for two whole months.

When Olivia Sievers paid attention to this poor homeless pooch outside her hotel, it was love at first sight—afterwards, he only had puppy eyes for her.

In February 2016, the German flight attendant flew to Argentina for business. On her way to the Hilton in Buenos Aires, she met the amiable stray for the first time and offered him some love and attention. The dog refused to leave her side and followed her all the way to the hotel, hanging out with her for two days whenever she left the building.

When it was time for Olivia to fly back to Germany, she sadly bid a fond farewell to her new friend expecting to never see him again.

But in April she returned and they reunited for two more days. They spent many hours walking many miles together—and he always followed her back to the hotel.

Afterward, she didn't fly to Buenos Aires for three months. When she returned in July, she wanted to sleep for a few hours and planned to search for the dog and continue trying to find him a home.

When she came down to the lobby, he was already sitting in front of the Hilton's glass doors.

‘How did he know I was back,' she wondered.

"The Hotel staff told me later that day, that he was sitting in front of the hotel for three months—sometimes returning a few times a day—looking for me."

This time, she tried to arrange an adoption with a manager in a nearby hotel in San Telmo. She delivered the dog, whom he named Rubio, but after one week he escaped, faithfully backtracking the 1.7 kilometers to join the flight attendant once more at the hotel in Puerto Madero.

Olivia realized their long-distance relationship had to end.

To save Rubio from his dangerous life as a street dog, she decided to adopt the hound herself, bringing him all the way home to Germany. He has settled in happily with her other pooches and now spends long afternoons romping in the back yard never having a care in the world about where in the world Olivia might be.

An audio book about their extraordinary friendship, "Love without Borders – Rubio, the most loyal dog of the world" is available on Amazon.

Don't Wait For Another Reunion, Click To Share – Photos courtesy of Olivia Sievers

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