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"The Rock" is Proud of the "Better Men" Graduating from Prison Boot Camp

"The Rock" is Proud of the "Better Men" Graduating from Prison Boot Camp
Actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who often got arrested in his youth, attended graduation for inmates completing a 6-month boot camp, calling them "better men."

Life in jail, or six months at camp training to become a better person?

For inmates at the Miami-Dade County Corrections and Rehabilitation Center in Florida, the choice was simple, but the work was grueling.

Thats why actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson stopped by their graduation ceremony to tell them that he's "very, very proud" of the group who volunteered for a six-month prison boot camp. The star of "Ballers" and the "Fast and Furious" franchise spoke at their graduation.


The inmates volunteered for the program as an alternative to serving sentences ranging from five-years to life in prison. The bootcamp aims to change the inmates' attitudes and rehabilitate them so they can go on to live crime-free lives once they leave.

Johnson pointed out that more than 75% of ex-convicts return to a life of crime, but the rate is only 8% for the Dade County boot camp program.

"They leave the program not just as free men, but as better men," he said in his speech.

Officially started production on our new HBO Documentary Films project, "ROCK & A HARD PLACE". From armed robbery to...

Posted by Dwayne The Rock Johnson on Sunday, February 8, 2015

Officially started production on our new HBO Documentary Films project, "ROCK & A HARD PLACE". From armed robbery to...

Posted by Dwayne The Rock Johnson on Sunday, February 8, 2015

Officially started production on our new HBO Documentary Films project, "ROCK & A HARD PLACE". From armed robbery to...


Johnson, who started getting arrested himself when he was just 13 years old, said he may have ended up in the same place as these men if he hadn't turned his life around.


"I wanted them to know that life does go on and they're going to have another opportunity," Johnson told WFOR News.

Johnson is working on a documentary about their boot camp experience called "Rock and a Hard Place."

(WATCH the WFOR News video below, or READ more at attn.com) - Photo: Dwayne Johnson, Facebook

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