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Author Judy Blume Saves His Marriage After Man Tosses Wife's Prized Book

Author Judy Blume Saves His Marriage After Man Tosses Wife's Prized Book
After a man accidentally tossed out his wife's prized copy of a Judy Blume book, the author came to the rescue and maybe "saved" his marriage.

Leonard Lasek set out some old books to give away, but didn't realize one of those books - Judy Blume's "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" - was a prized possession of his wife, Katie, until it was gone.  Desperate to find it, he posted flyers around his Brooklyn, New York neighborhood.

A photo posted by Maris Kreizman (@mariskreizman) on Jul 30, 2015 at 9:33am PDT


"The book is extremely important to my wife." The flyers read. "It was a keepsake from her mother and is irreplaceable," he wrote. Neighbors shared photos of the flyers on Twitter and Instagram to help spread the word.

Ms. Blume found out about Lasek's lament and started looking herself-and asking how she could contact him to offer help.

When they finally connected on Twitter, Blume offered to mail him an autographed copy of the lost book.

Oh no tragic! Will send signed copy. Not the same, I know. Let's hope it saves the marriage. Not sure I can find that cover but will try.


Lasek later told Blume her gift had saved his marriage.

"And you were just married!  I take this as a good omen." Blume replied in another tweet. "Still think Katie's book will show up but I'm on the case."

(READ more at E Online) - Photo: mariskreizman, Instagram

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