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Teacher Sells Prized Toy Collection to Buy Wheelchair for Boy He Didn't Know

Teacher Sells Prized Toy Collection to Buy Wheelchair for Boy He Didn't Know
A high school teacher sold his prized collection of toys to help purchase a specialized wheelchair for a boy he'd never met.

A 4-year-old disabled boy is getting a specialized wheelchair, thanks to a generous stranger with an eBay account.

Logan Roninger, who has spinal muscular atrophy, loves to accompany his parents, who are biologists, on outdoor nature hikes while in his wheelchair. But as he gets older, the ability to travel off roads with Logan will become more difficult without a power wheelchair.


Since insurance won't cover the cost, local businesses and schools in Klamath Falls, Oregon came together to raise some of the $17,000 needed for the new wheelchair. Klamath Union High School was one of several schools that held fundraisers and collected at least $11,000.

One donation was particularly poignant. Nat Ellis, the school's business and marketing teacher, decided to sell his 25-year collection of more than 1,000 fast food restaurant toys on eBay. He had been saving them to sell when he retires.

"Life's not about us. It's about other people. So the best thing you can do is help as many people as possible," Ellis told ABC News.

Ellis had never met Logan or his family before this year and said he just wanted to help the cause adopted by his school. He also had his students write a press release and spread the word on social media to help raise even more money to reach their goal.

(WATCH the video below or  READ more from ABC) – Photo via Logan's Lions FB

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