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Love of Books Lifted Homeless Man From Streets, Now He's Written One

Love of Books Lifted Homeless Man From Streets, Now He's Written One
The Pavement Bookworm who turned his life around by selling books instead of begging has now written a book about his life.

Exactly one month ago, Good News Network brought you the story of a homeless man who turned his life around by selling books - and giving book reviews - to passing motorists.

Now, Philani Dladla has his very own book to share, a memoir titled "The Pavement Bookworm," after one of his nicknames.

The story follows the 24-year-old South African's slide into drug abuse and homelessness and chronicles how his love of reading got him to turn it all around. Instead of begging from the drivers stuck in traffic, he started selling books and giving quick reviews of his favorites. Even though he was still homeless himself at the time, Dladla used the money to care for other homeless people, buying them soup and bread each day.

He currently spends his days running his Pavement Bookworm reading foundation, which has been recognized by South Africa's president for putting books into the hands of children. He even presented a talk at a TedX conference.

South African publisher Jacana Media will release the memoir later in October.

(WATCH the Espresso Partners video) - Photos: Espresso video, Pavement Bookworm

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