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Student Spends 8 Hours Giving Free Hugs on Campus to Help Heal Post-Election Tensions

Student Spends 8 Hours Giving Free Hugs on Campus to Help Heal Post-Election Tensions
I was walking home from a restaurant feeling pretty dismal about the negativity on social media when I ran into Alejandro Andrade holding a Free Hugs sign.

Emotions were high in America the night after Election Day – so Alejandro Andrade decided to spread the love to his fellow classmates.

The 18-year-old psychology student stood on the campus of Virgina Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia shivering from the cold weather. Despite the chill, however, he refused to stop holding his sign reading "In light of the hate and/or mistrust… FREE HUGS".

The other VCU students – Democrat, Republican, and Libertarian alike – were also apparently pretty grateful for the compassionate gesture.

"I had a guy come up to me earlier and ask if I gave hugs to Republicans and I said ‘absolutely'," Alejandro told the Good News Network. "Another girl gave me a hot chocolate as a thank you. Everyone's been really nice."

He asked if my friend and I wanted to pick up his spare signs and join him, but we were unfortunately already headed home to recuperate.

Even though it may not have been much against the political division currently affecting the country, I have to admit that after taking him up on the hugging offer, I couldn't help but feel a lot more hopeful for the future.

Click To Share This Sweet Story With Your Friends – Photo by McKinley Corbley

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