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Stradivarius Violin Found On Train, Turned In By Good Samaritan

Stradivarius Violin Found On Train, Turned In By Good Samaritan
A Stradivarius violin – possibly worth several million pounds – has been handed in to a lost-and-found office in Switzerland office after a hapless musician left it on a train. The owner had lent the precious instrument to a musician friend who took it on a train and left it.

A Stradivarius violin – possibly worth several million dollars – has been handed in to a lost-and-found office in Switzerland office after a hapless musician left it on a train.

The owner had lent the precious instrument to a musician friend who took it on a train on Friday but forgot it when he got off at Bern, police said.

This is the third time in four years that a musician's priceless Stradivarius was returned by kind strangers. Two cabbies from Newark and New York City were each hailed for their honesty toward forgetful musicians in 2008 and 2009.

(READ the story in the Telegraph)

Half Million Dollar Violin Left in Taxi, Returned to Owner (2009) Violinist Reunited with $4M Stradivarius Left In Back of NJ Cab (2008)

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