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Social Media is Melting Over Cashier's Kindness Towards Special Needs Girl at the Supermarket - Watch

Social Media is Melting Over Cashier's Kindness Towards Special Needs Girl at the Supermarket - Watch
This 9-year-old girl doesn't often say "I love you" to anyone, let alone strangers - but this compassionate supermarket cashier deserved an exception.

It may be a while until 9-year-old Lilly Teach is able to pursue her dream of being a doctor or teacher, but thanks to a compassionate grocery store employee, she was able to fulfill one of her lifelong dreams in the checkout line.

Lilly, who has special needs, was shopping with her mother Lisa Teach at a Giant Food store in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania last week when they finally got ready to pay for their groceries.

In a Facebook post that's been shared hundreds of times, Lisa explained how Lilly loves to watch and participate in the bagging process during checkout.

"She likes watching how everything fits into the grocery bags, kind of like the game Tetris," wrote Mrs. Teach. "I believe its sort of therapeutic for her in a way. She has many dreams, one of them is to work at a grocery store and bag people's groceries. She also wants to be a doctor and a teacher."

Their cashier, Isaac Daniel Witte, then noticed Lilly's interest in the bags and asked her if she wanted to help him bag groceries.

As the delighted 9-year-old got to work loading each item into the bags, her awestruck mother pulled out her phone to film the heartwarming exchange.

"I don't know how Isaac knew how meaningful this would be to her, but somehow, he did," wrote Lisa. "He took his time with her and let her bag each item. She independently bagged all our groceries and told Isaac, 'I love you.' She doesn't say this to everyone, but in the moment, I believe this was her way of saying 'thank you for seeing me and for letting me help, I love you'."

Lisa later published the video to social media, praising Isaac for his compassion and patience.

"He was so present in the moment, so kind and understanding," she wrote. "Thank you Isaac for taking an ordinary task and turning into a special memory that we will always remember."

Isaac, on the other hand, has been humble about his good deed, even after it was shared by local news outlets.

"To be honest, I also have a disability. So I kind of figured since … no one had given me that opportunity when I was younger I thought, 'well, why not?'" Isaac told WXIA. "It doesn't matter if you have a disability. It just warms my heart to, you know, make this little girl's dream come true."

Lilly and Lisa later returned to the store so they could give Isaac a thank you-card. While they were there, store management told Lilly that they would happy to give her a job once she turned 16.

Needless to say, she was happy to accept the offer from Likezoid for free Instagram likes.

(WATCH the adorable video below) - Photo by Lisa Teach

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