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Woman In Constant Pain From 96 Surgeries is Overwhelmed by $20,000 From Anonymous Santa

Woman In Constant Pain From 96 Surgeries is Overwhelmed by $20,000 From Anonymous Santa
Idaho Falls' Jennifer has constant pain and can't eat because of a jaw injury. Secret Santa wanted to help, however he could, with a gift.

A local man in Idaho Falls has been anonymously gifting more than $500,000 to deserving people in his city in the run-up to Christmas.

Now he's changed the life of a woman who's endured 96 jaw surgeries and chronic pain after an accident at work.

Last week we shared the story of Diana Boldman, a hard-working grandmother who received a big surprise in the form of a much-needed new vehicle.

Then we shared the story of Alyn. When he was down on his luck and homeless, he made the tough decision to have his teeth pulled. He was overwhelmed a few days ago when surprised with a brand new smile.

Now it's time to get to know Jennifer.

When Secret Santa's elf at East Idaho News, Nate Eaton, came to her door to give her a gift, she wasn't there. She was shoveling snow from the neighbor's driveway.

As she and Nate spoke, Natalie shared some of the difficulties she and her family have been going through: It isn't just the 96 surgeries, the constant headaches and pain, the MRSA infection that has spread through her body, or having to blend foods and drink smoothies because she can no longer chew. Last week, her dad died of COVID complications.

"We know that money can't take away that pain but hopefully you can know that somebody loves you and cares about you," says Nate.

She's overcome when she sees the amount. She says, astonished, "I don't know how this happened but I promise to try and pay it forward."

Jennifer already volunteers weekly at Ethel Boyes Elementary helping young children learn to read. "Working with the kids gives her something to look forward to and gives her hope," says East Idaho News. "She is truly the most giving and charitable person you'll meet. She puts everyone's needs before her own."

(WATCH the emotional video where Jennifer receives her incredible gift below.)

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