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Man Who Was Homeless is Overwhelmed With Emotion When Secret Santa Surprises Him With a Brand New Smile

Man Who Was Homeless is Overwhelmed With Emotion When Secret Santa Surprises Him With a Brand New Smile
An Idaho Falls man named Alyn who was in need of new dentures was just given a life-changing gift from Secret Santa–a new smile.

In a truly life-changing gift, a man who can't afford to get his teeth fixed has been given the present of a new smile—thanks to a Secret Santa who's been performing miracles for people all over Idaho Falls.

With a little help from the elves at East Idaho News, every day in the lead-up to Christmas, a secretive local man has been giving over $500,000 in gifts to those might need a bit of a boost this year.

Last week we shared the story of Diana Boldman, a McDonald's worker and grandmother who received an unforgettable festive surprise in the form of a much-needed new vehicle.

This week, it's time to get to know the story of Alyn. He began temping at an Idaho Falls company two years ago. He was finding it difficult to make ends meet, and—though he never admitted his situation to anyone—he was sleeping in his truck to get by. In spite of the difficulties he was facing, Alyn was the best temp work the business had ever had.

Before getting a permanent full-time contract, Alyn made the tough decision to have his teeth pulled. He couldn't afford to get them cleaned or repaired when there was a problem, and as a result a tooth infection became severe.

When Secret Santa found out that Alyn is now in need of new dentures, of course he knew just the right present to give.

(WATCH Alyn being surprised at work in the sweet video below.)

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