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He Let Homeless Stay in Building for Winter, Now Installs Showers, Sends Hot Meals

He Let Homeless Stay in Building for Winter, Now Installs Showers, Sends Hot Meals
Gary Neville, the UK footballer who welcomed 30 homeless men to stay in a landmark building he owns, took 2 more giant steps to make their winter stay hospitable.

Gary Neville, the Manchester United football star who recently welcomed 30 young homeless men to stay in a landmark building he owns, must have liked how it felt to be generous toward the most needy. He has now taken two more giant steps this month to make their winter stay more comfortable in the northern English city.

The old Stock Exchange building in Manchester is set to be turned into a boutique hotel and will undergo major renovation beginning February.

Manchester Angels, the homeless advocates who led the squatters to first occupy the uninhabited building, were telephoned by the owners, Neville and another "Man U" football legend, Ryan Giggs, and told they were welcome to stay the winter.

On Wednesday, the group posted a heartwarming update about the latest kindness from Neville on Facebook.

"He is paying for electricians; plumbers; builders and other tradesmen to come and install temporary shower units; bathrooms; toilets; lighting etc so that the building is habitable over the winter period."

Later in the week, they also reported:

"Gary Neville is arranging for Hotel Football Old Trafford to make an evening meal for the homeless men on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays so that they get a well-balanced nutritious meal three times a week from his chefs. Thank you Gary."

Another post on October 22 heaps praise on Gary Neville's brother-in-law for "all he is doing to make this work."

"In 5 days he's gone from being a property developer to a counsellor; psychiatrist; housing advisor; negotiator; caterer; and recovery worker. Such a genuine down-to-earth bloke who's not intimidated by pressure and handles situations perfectly."

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