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(UPDATE) Saudi Prince to Give 10,000 Cars and Houses to Needy Families

(UPDATE) Saudi Prince to Give 10,000 Cars and Houses to Needy Families
The businessman who vowed to give his $32 billion fortune to charity will start by handing out 10,000 homes and 10,000 cars to needy families in Saudi Arabia.

TV game shows have been giving away cars for years and Oprah took the gimmick one step further giving away 276 at once – one to every member of her studio audience.

Let's see any of them match this…

I'm donating : 10,000 houses 10,000 cars over 10 years benefiting 100,000 Saudis through @alwaleed_philan To apply: http://t.co/wYYEXyN7wm

Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal announced last week he was giving away his $32 billion fortune to charity. This first gift, spread out over ten years, will eventually help 100,000 low income people in his country, estimated the businessman.

Within minutes of tweeting his plan to give away the 10,000 cars and houses, thousands of people had contacted his Alwaleed Philanthropies Foundation.

The foundation has already put families in 1,240 housing units, with plans to provide roughly 1,000 new units per year for ten years. The homes are being given to needy families who don't qualify under the Kingdom's Housing Ministry.

The foundation plans to deliver about 1,000 cars per year for the families.


"Given the world's current economic and social conditions," the prince wrote on his website, "and the devastating effects of war and natural disasters around the world, more collaborative efforts are required…in the effort to alleviate poverty in the most deprived communities."

Prince Alwaleed last week directed Alwaleed Philanthropies to use the bulk of his fortune, working in concert with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Carter Center, and the Weill Cornell Medical College to fund schools, eliminate disease and pay for efforts to empower women–an issue he has been involved in for years.

(READ more at Prince Alwaleed's website)

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