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Neighbor Sends Surprising Bill for Car Damaged by Toddler

Neighbor Sends Surprising Bill for Car Damaged by Toddler
Parents of a 3-year-old boy in the U.K. who damaged a neighbor's car got a costly repair bill—with a twist.


Anyone who's ever ‘dinged' a nearby car can relate to that moment of panic – fearing the amount of damage, and debating whether to admit to it.

It was no different for parents in the U.K., whose 3-year-old son slammed their car door right into a neighbor's.

The parents contacted their neighbors to let them know what happened and offered to pay for the repairs, and those neighbors responded by sending them an ‘invoice' totaling about $3,000.


They even itemized the tea and biscuits they consumed "while pondering (the) repair."

At the bottom of the page, however, was a message they didn't expect.

Instead of charging the honest parents, the neighbors wrote, "These things happen…The only thing we ask is that you keep taking our parcels in when we are not here, thanks!"

(READ more at Metro) – Photo: Facebook

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