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Police Officer Pulls Over to Give Girl at Lemonade Stand Special Gift

Police Officer Pulls Over to Give Girl at Lemonade Stand Special Gift
When officer Zak Ropos learned what this little girl wanted to use her lemonade stand money for, he bought her the gift himself.

Nine-year-old Gabrielle Garcar wanted an iPad more than anything. Because her family is struggling financially, she set up a lemonade stand outside of her grandmother's Ohio condo in hopes of raising the money herself.

When 22-year-old sheriff's deputy Zak Ropos stopped by for a cup of the sweet stuff and learned what the little girl wanted to do with the money—use the device for schoolwork, and to play games on—he pulled her mother over and told her he'd check to see if the old iPad he had at home was still useable.

It wasn't. But instead of calling it a day, he bought her a brand new one.  


"She's 9 years old and she's willing to work for what she wants, and I found that very admirable of her," Ropos told TODAY.com. "I knew her lemonade stand wasn't probably going to bring in enough money for a tablet."

Ropos is surprised his actions have become so widely celebrated—the photo above got 2 million views on the Lake County Sheriff's Office Facebook page—especially since, he said, he works with lots of generous cops, including two deputies who bought a boy a bike to help him get to soccer practice and a lieutenant who recently donated $200 to a needy family.

(READ more at TODAY.com) — Photo: Lake County Sheriff's Office, Facebook

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