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Hero Who Predicted 9/11 and Saved 2,700 Lives, Now Subject of New Opera

Hero Who Predicted 9/11 and Saved 2,700 Lives, Now Subject of New Opera
A new Opera called "Heart of a Soldier" brings to life the drama of Rick Rescorla's heroic rescue of his co-workers at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Of the almost 2,700 Morgan Stanley employees, only four perished that day, thanks to the instincts of this war veteran and hero who had predicted an attack from the air.

A new Opera called "Heart of a Soldier" brings to life the drama of Rick Rescorla's heroic rescue of his co-workers at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

Of the almost 2,700 Morgan Stanley employees, only four perished that day, thanks to the instincts of this war veteran and hero who had predicted an attack from the air.

Rick, who was the second vice president for corporate security at Morgan Stanley, was also the subject of a 2002 film from the History Channel, "The Man Who Predicted 9/11." Convinced that Osama bin Laden would attack the World Trade Center, Rescorla had developed a detailed evacuation plan, and on Sept. 11 he defied official instructions and ordered his employees to evacuate before their building had even been hit.

His story will materialize on the stage of the San Francisco Opera Saturday night.

(READ about the Opera in the NY Times)

(READ a tribute to Rick, a native Englishman, by his cousin in the UK Mirror)

WATCH a detailed 9 min. Video clip below, from "The Man Who Predicted 9/11."

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