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Two Lonely Otters Introduced at a Sanctuary Are Now Living 'Happily Otter After'

Two Lonely Otters Introduced at a Sanctuary Are Now Living 'Happily Otter After'
Lonely Asian short-clawed otters Harris and Pumpkin have been matched by two English sanctuaries and are now otterly besotted by each other.

What's better than being utterly in love? How about being "otterly" in love?

When we last reported on erstwhile Asian short-clawed otter Harris who'd lost his mate, he'd just dipped his toe back into the dating pool. Now, thanks to the online otter dating service Fishing For Love (because there apparently is such a thing), Harris has met his match.

Sea Life Scarborough

With a profile pairing that looked particularly promising, Harris was relocated from his home at the Cornish Seal Sanctuary to SEA LIFE Scarborough on the coast of Yorkshire where his new mate, Pumpkin, who'd similarly lost her prior life partner, awaited him. (According to experts on the species, otter blind dates work best when the male hooks up with the female on her own turf-or in this case, aquarium enclosure-rather than the other way around.)

The newly-met otter couple's brief-getting-to-know-you and honeymoon period went off without a hitch. Aquarium staff report the pair has since bonded beautifully and all signs point to a long and happy union.

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"After an extremely sad period for both Pumpkin and the Animal Care team here at Scarborough we are delighted to report that not only is Pumpkin happy once again, but Harris has settled in extremely well and has already become part of the SEA LIFE Scarborough family," said program curator Todd German.

While he's missed at his former home, Harris's friends and keepers are thrilled for him as well. "We are absolutely delighted that Pumpkin and Harris are getting on so well and he has settled in so quickly," Cornish Seal Sanctuary curator Tamara Cooper told CNN.

Sea Life Scarborough

And in the words of SEA LIFE Scarborough, may they "live happily otter after."

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