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Lost Puppy Tracks Down His Vet's Office And Finds Help Getting Home

Lost Puppy Tracks Down His Vet's Office And Finds Help Getting Home
A lost puppy couldn't find its way home, but it did locate the vets office in Bangkok, Thailand, where it got was vaccinated to get help finding owner.

A five-month-old pup wasn't savvy enough to find its way back way home, but the dog is certainly clever because it found the vet's office.

It showed up wanting some help.

The Putahracsa Veterinary Clinic in Bang Pu, Thailand posted surveillance video of the little dog showing up at their doorstep, where it waited until someone let it inside.

The black puppy was barking at the very door of the office where it had been receiving monthly vaccinations since it was one-month-old, according to the Bangkok area vet who shared the video on Facebook.

Luckily, the vet office recognized their patient and reunited the pet with its owner.

Separated for 15 hours, the owner and dog were "very happy to see each other," read the post.

Putahracsa Veterinary Clinic

"Cute and very smart," was their clinical assessment of the pooch.

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