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When A Loving Brazilian Street Dog Kept Visiting A Car Dealership, They Finally Hired Him as a Salesman

When A Loving Brazilian Street Dog Kept Visiting A Car Dealership, They Finally Hired Him as a Salesman
Emerson Mariano, a Hyundai branch manager in Brazil, rescued a street dog named Tucson Prime. Now he's a 'salesman' with his own Instagram.

What do you do when a stray dog shows up at your car dealership day after day? You give him a job, of course. Or at least, that's what you do if you're Emerson Mariano, a Hyundai Prime branch manager in Brazil.

Mariano and his staff had taken a shine to a member of Brazil's roving dog contingent who'd gotten in the habit of making regular visits. One rainy night the steadfast stray was invited to come in from the streets.

Little did the drenched pooch realize as he munched an impromptu meal, he'd found his "furever" home. But as far as the management was concerned, throwing the dog a lifeline instead of merely tossing him a bone only made sense.

"The company has always been pet friendly," Mariano told Top Motors Brazil. "We decided to embrace this idea in practice too," he said, citing the need for both heightened awareness and positive intervention to help curb Brazil's growing population of abandoned animals.

After his adoption, the newly christened Tucson Prime was given the title of "Official Meeter & Greeter." The staff says his "caring and docile nature" made him a natural for the role, but the persistent pup has already set his sights on climbing the corporate ladder.

A post shared by TUCSON PRIME (@tucson_prime) on Jul 11, 2020 at 6:33am PDT

In addition to his concierge duties, Tucson Prime is honing his marketing skills with regular posts to his "very own" Instagram account. While his musings have made him something of an Internet sensation, the handsome hound remains doggedly humble.

"Where I came from," the doggo blogger reports, "I didn't have this technology. Me and my humans are still trying to find a way to deal with so much love and affection." (While he and his crew haven't worked out all the deets, the caring canine is determined to answer all of his fan mail.)

We'll bet with such a tail-waggingly happy ending, this is one shaggy dog story that's sure to get a lot of mileage.

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