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Domino's Pizza Shop Follows Hunch, Sends Life-Saving Delivery

Domino's Pizza Shop Follows Hunch, Sends Life-Saving Delivery
When a pizza parlor's staff didn't hear from a regular customer in almost two weeks, they stopped by to check up on the man - and ended up saving his life.

When the staff of this pizza parlor had gone two weeks without hearing from one of their regular customers, a simple check-up turned into the restaurant's first life-saving delivery.

Kirk Alexander has ordered a pizza from the same Salem, Oregon Domino's Pizza restaurant almost every day for seven years.

Over the weekend, the staff realized they hadn't heard from him in 11 days, so manager Sarah Fuller asked one of her delivery drivers to stop by Alexander's house to check on him.

Deputies and paramedics found Alexander inside his house, having a medical emergency and rushed the 48-year-old man to the hospital.

"The Sheriff's Office would like to personally thank Mr. Hamblen for his quick actions and willingness to take time out of his day to care for others," the Marion County Sheriff's Office posted to it's Facebook page.

Not only is the man recovering well, the two Domino's superheroes were rewarded with tickets to see "Captain America: Civil War," and a trip to Las Vegas to attend their company's worldwide rally.

(WATCH the video below from KPTV News) - Photo:

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