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Students Give $8000 Raised for Class Trip to Principal's Cancer Treatment

Students Give $8000 Raised for Class Trip to Principal's Cancer Treatment
A high school class brought their principal to tears when they decided to give money they'd raised for a senior class trip to pay her medical bills instead.


A high school class brought their principal to tears when they canceled their senior trip to help pay for her cancer treatment.

The seniors at Profile School in Bethlehem, New Hampshire, voted unanimously to use the $8,000 they'd raised to help pay Principal Courtney Vashaw's medical bills.

They were just about to leave for a four day trip to a ranch in New York's Adirondack Mountains when they decided they would rather do a good deed instead.

Students said they wanted to be as "caring and selfless" as Vashaw has been to them.


The class surprised their principal by telling her they needed to see her after a class meeting. She had no idea what was coming, and after the class announced their decision, had no idea what to say, as she broke into tears.

"It is very hard for me to accept help," Vashaw told the students. But she needs to get used to it - the high school seniors are already planning more fundraisers for their administrator.

(WATCH more in the video above) Story tip from Jeannine Madden & Jim Kelly

Photo from WMUR video

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