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Woman Discovers Her Co-worker is the Very Infant She Nursed Back to Health 28 Years Ago

Woman Discovers Her Co-worker is the Very Infant She Nursed Back to Health 28 Years Ago
Vilma Wong couldn't put her finger on how she might know Brandon Seminatore until he told her his last name, and replied that his father was a policeman

Vilma Wong has cared for a lot of babies over the course of her 32-year career, but she never expected to be working alongside one of them.

Earlier this month, as a nurse at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in Meredith, California, Wong got a chance to introduce herself to a new colleague who'd just started working at the facility.

His name was Brandon Seminatore, a second-year pediatric resident who is training to become a child neurologist.

Brandon was just 28 years old, but Wong felt that she had somehow met him before. When she heard his name, she realized where that feeling came from.

Wong asked Brandon if, by any chance, his father was a police officer.

"Brandon was on my team and taking care of one of my patients. I asked who he was and his last name sounded very familiar," Wong told her hospital communications team. "I kept asking questions, like where he was from and he told me he was from San Jose, and that as a matter of fact, he was born at our hospital."

"I remember being the primary nurse to a baby with the same last name. To confirm my suspicion, I asked him if his dad was a police officer. And there was a big silence. Then he asked me if I was Vilma. I said yes!"

Wong had cared for Mr. Seminatore 28 years ago when he was born prematurely at the hospital.

His parents were delighted to be reunited with the nurse who had kept their son alive back in 1990. After digging through some old photos, they even managed to find a photo of Wong holding young Brandon in her lap as a newborn.

"Meeting Vilma was a surreal experience," said Brandon. "When Vilma recognized my name, it truly sunk in that I was one of these babies. I've come full circle and I'm taking care of babies with the nurse that took care of me."

Be Sure And Share The Fateful Story With Your Friends – Photo by Lucile Packard Children's Hospital

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