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Homeless Man Protects Stolen Bike After Angry-worded Poster Shamed Thief into Returning It

Homeless Man Protects Stolen Bike After Angry-worded Poster Shamed Thief into Returning It
Shannon Loys had expressed her frustration over someone stealing her husband's specially-modified bike – but her frustration actually helped return it.

Andrew Loys has been through a lot. In addition to surviving cancer three times, someone recently stole his bike that had been specially modified for his disability—and his wife was furious about it.

Filled with rage over the injustice, Shannon Loys made posters for the missing bike, hoping for its return. She also unleashed some of her frustration towards the bike thief by calling them a "steaming pile of garbage" and saying that she hoped they developed "an incurable case of boils in the crotch region."

The poster was so persuasive, it worked beautifully. The bike thief was so humiliated by Shannon's anger, they left it in possession of a kind-hearted homeless man named Kevin.

After Kevin had also caught sight of the powerful poster, he asked a stranger if he could use their phone to call the number on the poster. He then explained to Shannon that he had the bike and wanted to return it.

He said that he would be residing behind the Fred Meyers grocery store of Fremont in Seattle, Washington. He described his physical appearance and said that he would be waiting for her.

At 11PM, Shannon jumped into her car and drove to the store. Upon her arrival, she started asking some of the homeless residents if they had seen Kevin.

Kevin finally approached Shannon with a smile on his face. He was riding his own bike that had a cart attached to the back of it – and on the cart was Andrew's stolen bike.

Though it was in need of some minor repairs, it was in good shape – and Shannon was thrilled.

"Kevin was so sweet. He had clearly been guarding it. He was on a mission to get it back to us," Shannon told BBC. "I don't know who stole my husband's bike, but I know for sure it was Kevin who gave it back."

Shannon was so excited by the bike's return, she immediately went home, woke Andrew up from his sleep, and brandished the bike in her arms.

"He has had some bad luck in his life … so getting it back meant more than the bike itself," Shannon said of her husband.

The couple later returned to Kevin's camp with a basket of biscuits, some hot coffee, $100, and a thank you card.

"He was as nice as I remembered, really sweet," said Shannon. "He was so worried someone would think he stole it."

As a cherry on top to the sweet story, the couple even said that a compassionate online benefactor has offered to pay for the bike's repairs.

Pass On The Positive News And Share The Story With Your Friends – Photos by Shannon Loys

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