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Mystery Man Hands Out $100 Bills to McDonald's Workers

Mystery Man Hands Out $100 Bills to McDonald's Workers
This anonymous customer just kicked off the giving season by giving over $3,000 in cash to a McDonald's staff in Fort Worth, Texas.

Giving Tuesday isn't for another two weeks, but that didn't stop this anonymous man from kicking off the holiday season by handing out $100 bills to McDonald's workers.

The Fort Worth, Texas man – who is supposedly a regular customer – started out by handing one employee the cash without ordering anything on the menu. Once she started crying and hugging the man, the other workers caught on as well.

Before the man departed the store, he left 33 more bills for the employees who weren't even working that day.

The staff have put together a thank you card for the next time he returns, calling him "a living angel".

CBS reporters were later approached by a woman named Lisa Davila who worked for the mystery man, saying that he had recently been diagnosed with cancer. Even though it was a tough time for him, that didn't stop him from wanting to spread joy where he could.

"You could tell it blessed their day," Davila told CBS. "They didn't come in there [to work] thinking that was going to happen that day… and that was the best part about it."

(WATCH the video below)


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