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Repo Man Pays-off Car for Elderly Couple After Towing It

Repo Man Pays-off Car for Elderly Couple After Towing It
Jim Ford has grown cynical during his 20 years of repossessing cars – but after hearing about the Kippings' financial situation, his heart softened.

Jim Ford has repossessed a lot of cars in his day – but never has he felt as terrible about taking someone's automobile than when he had to take Stanford and Patty Kipping's 1998 Buick.

Jim knew that the elderly couple had fallen on tough financial times, causing them to miss five car payments. So when he did tow the car, he resolved to lend a hand instead.

"They'd fallen behind because on the price of her husband's medications that have doubled over the last year," Jim wrote on the page. "I was told he has the beginning stages of dementia and that they couldn't even afford to get a few of his scripts this month because of the price increases!"

While Jim's friend took the money to the bank and settled the debt, the team topped off the fluids and changed the headlights. Then, they put the extra cash earned from the campaign into an envelope along with a Thanksgiving turkey in the passenger seat to boot.

When they returned the car to the Kipping home, Patty and Stanford were shocked.

"It's like a miracle," Patty whispered in amazement.

Jim says that in the 20 years that he's been a repo man, he's seen a lot. Car owners have shot at him, tackled him, and even attempted to run him over. By the time he was done with the Kippings, however, he was beaming from ear to ear.

(WATCH the video below)


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