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Men Are Almost as Likely as Women to Display Their Sensitive Side, Says New Poll

Men Are Almost as Likely as Women to Display Their Sensitive Side, Says New Poll
Modern men are nearly as likely as women to openly display a sensitive side, according to a new survey by Aveeno.

Modern men are nearly as likely as women to openly display a sensitive side, according to a new survey.

The poll of 2,000 adults found that 71% of the men reported being in touch with their feelings—compared to 82% of women.

Of the respondents who called themselves sensitive, 41% outwardly show it often—or always.

One-third of those polled believes being in tune with how they feel is the sign of a good leader.

52% considered being seen as sensitive as a positive trait. But, interestingly, only 37% of men consider it ‘a compliment' to being called sensitive, and 23% of women feel the same way.

Commissioned by Aveeno (which launched a series of videos by photographer Julia Fullerton-Batten called ‘My Sensitive Side'), the survey found 55% believe others are ‘more likable' when they openly show their sensitive side.

More than a third reported that their emotional intelligence turned out to be an asset in a work situation in the past, according to the OnePoll results.

Sensitivity may be in our nature—and may also be an evolutionary benefit.

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