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Survey Says These Are the Best Things About Raising a Child - #1 are the Cuddles

Survey Says These Are the Best Things About Raising a Child - #1 are the Cuddles
A poll of moms, dads, and caregivers, found 84% consider raising children to be the greatest thing to happen to them-especially the cuddles.

A poll of moms, dads, guardians, and caregivers of children under 13, found that 84 percent consider raising children to be the greatest thing to happen to them-and the best thing may be their cuddles.

Other favorite aspects include seeing their personalities develop and laughing often over the youngsters' quirky questions and funny remarks.

Watching kids' movies, seeing them do something you've taught them, and reading bedtime stories together, were also among the top wonders of having kids in the house.

The survey of 1,300 adults by Calpol-which is marking its five-year partnership with a British children's helpline by launching its 'Don't Bottle it Up!' campaign-found being a parent has impacted the mental wellbeing of 66 percent.

While 19 percent believe raising kids can help you appreciate the little things in life more, only 61 percent of those polled said they had enough support and resources around how to parent the kids in the first six months.

"It's just as important to look after your own mental health as well as your child's wellbeing," said Kam Thandi, head of the NSPCC Helpline. "A strong support network really goes a long way."

The poll showed that 14 percent love listening to the conversations kids have with each other. And 12 percent similarly enjoy feeling like a 'hero' after doing something minor like replacing a toy's batteries.

Nearly a quarter also think having new experiences for the first time with a child is one of the greatest joys.

Of those respondents with more than one child surveyed via OnePoll, 72 percent believe they were a 'better' parent the second time around.

Parents consider patience to be the most important attribute for guardians to have (41 percent), followed by a loving nature (30 percent), and being ready for the unexpected (20 percent).

Calpol, along with the NSPCC Helpline, is hosting a free online panel discussion on parental worries on July 10, from 12-1 pm.


1.    The cuddles 2.    Watching their personalities develop 3.    They make you laugh 4.    Hearing some of the funny things they say 5.    Having new experiences with them for the first time 6.    They make you appreciate little things in life more 7.    Reliving the magic of Christmas through a child's experience again 8.    Seeing them do something you've taught them 9.    The many quirky and wonderful questions they ask 10.   Birthday celebrations 11.   Seeing the world through their eyes 12.   Learning new things alongside them 13.   Watching kids' films together 14.   Reading bedtime stories together 15.   Listening to conversations they have with other children 16.   Feeling like their hero when you do something like replacing the batteries in a toy 17.   The cute compliments they give 18.   You appreciate your own parents more 19.   Taking them to the zoo 20.   Getting to make friends with other moms/ dads/ caregivers 21.   Hearing them talk to themselves in bed at night 22.   Buying them toys you secretly want to play with yourself

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