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Unemployed Man Wants to Find Stranger Who Returned His $273M Lotto Ticket So He Can Share the Wealth

Unemployed Man Wants to Find Stranger Who Returned His $273M Lotto Ticket So He Can Share the Wealth
A down-on-his-luck New Jersey man is searching for the good Samaritan who returned his winning lottery ticket last week.

An unemployed New Jersey man is now searching for a good Samaritan whose honesty helped him win a $273 million jackpot last week.

Following a recent divorce, 54-year-old Mike Weirsky has been struggling to find a job, but to no avail.

His luck took a turn, however, when he bought two Mega Millions lottery tickets from a convenience store in Phillipsburg, New Jersey for $2 each. Upon getting distracted by something on his phone, he left the store without taking his tickets.

A mysterious stranger then found the tickets and turned them in to store employees. Weirsky returned to the store the next day, verified that the tickets were his, and went home.

He was later stunned to discover that one of the tickets had won the $273 million prize.

If it had not been for the integrity of the unidentified shopper, Weirsky would not have been a winner – and now, he wants to track down the stranger so he can offer the man a reward.

"I'm looking for the guy that handed them in, I want to thank him," Weirsky told Associated Press. "I'm going to give him something, but I'm going to keep that private."

Weirsky says that the sudden financial windfall is a welcomed stroke of luck following his long and unsuccessful job hunt. Ironically, he says that he finally got a call for his first job interview just days after he won the jackpot – but now, he plans on using the money to buy his mother a new car and take his family on a vacation before consulting with lawyers on what to do next.

"I was down, and somehow now, all of a sudden, I'm way up," Weirsky told news conference reporters with a laugh.

(WATCH the news coverage below)

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