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100,000 Dogs Have Sent Love Letters to a 7-Year-old Girl Fighting a Brain Tumor

100,000 Dogs Have Sent Love Letters to a 7-Year-old Girl Fighting a Brain Tumor
When social media heard about this young dog lover's medical diagnosis, thousands of pups took to their keyboards to send her letters of love.

Dogs may not have the proper appendages to type out heartfelt messages on the internet, but over 100,000 pups have sent letters of love to a 7-year-old girl with an inoperable brain tumor.

Mail first started pouring in for Emma Mertens after she was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive kind of tumor called diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) back in January.

Though Emma is described as being a brave young fighter and an avid dog lover, a family friend made a social media post shortly after her diagnosis asking their followers to send her letters and dog pictures as a means of lifting her spirits.

“Hi Emma! My name is Paisley and I just turned 5! Here is a picture of me in this ridiculous hat my mom made me wear at my birthday party. I hope it brings a smile to your face! I’m thinking about you and wish we could have a cuddle. All the wet kisses, Paisley.” – Paisley’s owner Rikki via GoFundMe

Emma's father, Geoff Mertens, says that the response to the post has been overwhelming.

"Without us even knowing, a friend of ours had about a dozen friends send in pictures, and at some point it just took off," Geoff told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal. "I have no idea who made that post, [but it's] been shared over and over."

Thousands of compassionate canines from all over the world have "written" letters, emails, and social media messages of encouragement and love.

"Hi Emma, [my name is Parker]. We live in Woodland, California. It's raining buckets here right now! Our Mom told us what a brave and feisty girl you are… and we appreciate those amazing qualities!! We are sending you oodles of kisses and hugs. Children are one of our favorite things and we think you are one in a million!!!!" –Parker's owner Molly via GoFundMeThe Mertens family started receiving so many messages, they had to set up a new post office box and email address in order to accommodate the flood of love letters to their home in Hartland, Wisconsin.

“Hi Emma, [my name is Parker]. We live in Woodland, California. It’s raining buckets here right now! Our Mom told us what a brave and feisty girl you are… and we appreciate those amazing qualities!! We are sending you oodles of kisses and hugs. Children are one of our favorite things and we think you are one in a million!!!!” –Parker’s owner Molly via GoFundMe

Geoff guesses that they have been receiving roughly 2,800 emails every hour – and snail mail by the truckload.

"I've stopped counting, but we were at 20 different countries at one point and every state," Geoff told the news outlet. "We've gotten pictures from Australia, Venezuela, Japan, Italy, Russia — and actually a lot from Scotland and the Netherlands for some reason."

“Hi Emma!! My name is Max and I am a 3 year old Golden Retriever/Yellow Lab. I live in Ohio and love to play ball and frisbee and taking walks. My family will be thinking and praying for you.” –Max’s owner Angie via GoFundMe

Furthermore, a GoFundMe campaign that was set up for the Mertens family has raised over double its original goal with over $108,000 in donations and counting.

The money, which will help to pay for Emma's medical expenses, will also allow Emma's mother to stop working so she can care for her daughter.


“Hi Emma! Phoebe says hi all the way from Florida! Phoebe girl is still a puppy (15 weeks old) who loves cuddling, chasing geckos, and belly rubs! People always say she looks like a fluffy teddy bear! We hear you are a very brave girl with a family who loves you so much. Stay strong Emma and hold on to that big smile of yours! ♥ woof woof, Love Phoebe.” –Phoebe’s owner Alex via GoFundMe

Though DIPG is an aggressive cancer, Emma is going in for her second surgery, and her family is optimistic that their newfound emotional and financial support will help them pull through.

Because the family has received so much mail, however, they have since set up a Facebook page for people to post their dog photos.

"If you knew Emma, she's the most kind, big-hearted girl," Geoff told Good Morning America. "To see so many people take a few minutes out of their day to put a smile on her face is overwhelming."

(WATCH the news coverage below) – Feature photo by Geoff Mertens

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