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Soccer Star Doesn't Let Losing a Leg Deter Her From Goal

Soccer Star Doesn't Let Losing a Leg Deter Her From Goal
Avid soccer player Bree McMahon was undeterred after an accident took her leg in her final year at high school. Keeping herself fixed on her goal, she is now running again.

When Bree McMahon was a high school senior, her future was set: She had already earned a scholarship to play soccer in college.

But that future changed suddenly one day in 2009, when a close friend accidentally struck McMahon with a car. Doctors could not save her left leg.

Still, McMahon was undeterred. She forgave her friend, and immediately asked her doctor when it might be possible to run again.

"I knew what I wanted, and I was gonna chase after it with everything I had."

(WATCH the video below or READ the story from TODAY)

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