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Calif Legislature Votes YES on 11-year-old's Anti-bullying Campaign

Calif Legislature Votes YES on 11-year-old's Anti-bullying Campaign
A 6th grade boy, Gerry Orz, persuaded the California state government to declare December 12 as a Day of Silence to officially honor the victims of bullying who cannot speak for themselves. He's calling on schools and people everywhere to take 12 seconds at 12 o'clock on 12/12 to mark in silent reflection.

A 6th grade boy, Gerry Orz, persuaded the California state government to declare December 12 as a "Day of Silence" to officially honor the victims of bullying who cannot speak for themselves. He's calling on schools and people everywhere to mark twelve seconds of silence at 12 o'clock on 12-12.

The eloquent student from Rancho Palos Verdes produced a short bully-prevention movie last year tailored to younger school children. He says there is more bullying in the younger grades than people realize.

Orz's goal is to have the video shown around the country and he started making progress toward that goal while still in fourth grade.

The Illinois state legislature has also expressed interest in Orz's campaign, according to a CBS news report below.

Gerry, himself, has been bullied in school, but he uses the experience to channel energy into helping others overcome their pain. He urges young people to seek out a caring adult and speak up for themselves.

"If you tell a trusted adult, it will help you," said Orz.

(WATCH these inspiring interview below and check out www.GerryOrz.com)


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