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Local Mosque Serves Up Breakfast for 800 Police Officers (WATCH)

Local Mosque Serves Up Breakfast for 800 Police Officers (WATCH)
Philadelphia Muslims wanted to energize local law enforcement for a full day of work ahead – so they filled their stomachs with homemade food.

Two groups of Americans, each maligned because they are sometimes ostracized over the actions of the few, came together last week over pans of french toast, hash browns, and turkey bacon.

Members of the Muslim American Society offered a homemade breakfast and moral support to the 25th District Police Department in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Captain of the force Michael Chram recounts a memory following the first annual breakfast, "About a month after the event, an officer stopped me in court and said hey, you know that's the first time I ever got fed a hot meal before I went out on an event? So it sets the tone for the whole day."

"The mosque is not just serving breakfast," Ozzy Khalil, MAS member and organizer of the event told WTFX. "They're also serving as the District's temporary headquarters for the morning. The officers have all of their gear here so once they grab breakfast they can grab their equipment to head out and cover the parade."

The tone is best represented by the symbol of community. Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day but in the end, it's the people you share it with that really counts.

(WATCH the video below)

Serve Up Some Positivity To Your Friends: Click To Share – Photo by WTFX

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