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Stories That Matter

Homeless Man's Life Repaired by Support of Strangers and Theatre

Homeless Man's Life Repaired by Support of Strangers and Theatre
With the help of a group in Victoria calling themselves the Power of 10, a homeless man name George has learned to cook, drive and has passed Grade 10. Now, George is moving into his own apartment and it is all thanks to the inspiration from a stage play called Home is a Beautiful Word.

With the help of a group in Victoria, Canada calling themselves the Power of 10, a homeless man name George has learned to cook, drive and has passed Grade 10.

"I know it sounds cliché, but I want to be a better man than what I am already," he says.

Now, George is moving into his own apartment and it is all thanks to the inspiration from a stage play called Home is a Beautiful Word.

The play, produced by the Belfry Theatre in Victoria in January, is based on interviews playwright Joel Bernbaum conducted with local residents about homelessness. The surprising result, beyond the play, was the Power of 10 group, a support network for homeless individuals that founded by Bernbaum and the artistic director Michael Shamata.

(READ the story from the Globe and Mail – Watch a clip from the play below)

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