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Man Leaves $1,000 Tip for Dog's Surgery

Man Leaves $1,000 Tip for Dog's Surgery
Christina Summitt was tending bar when she mentioned to a friendly couple that her puppy, a great Dane mix, was rushed into surgery the previous day, and the vet bill was enormous. She is still crying over the tip they left her.

Last Saturday Christina Summitt was tending bar at the Clinton, New Jersey Holiday Inn where she works full-time. Her wrist tattoo of a dog's paw often starts conversations with customers about her interest in animal rescue, and especially dogs.

She mentioned to one friendly couple that her puppy, a great Dane mix, was rushed into surgery the previous day for having swallowed a tennis ball and the vet bill was enormous. But the 3-year-old Tucker was like her child, so what was she going to do, deny him the care?

When she looked at the credit card slip after the man signed it, she was astounded to see a $1,000.00 tip added to an $80 tab. She tried to protest, but they wouldn't take back the super-generous tip.

"Use this to help pay for Tucker's $2,700 tennis ball," he said, adding that they would also pray for him.

"As I cried my eyes out, I could not find the words to thank this amazing kind couple," said the 37-year-old who is married and has three step-children."

"I'm still in utter shock over whole thing."

The hotel manager told CNN that she followed up and tracked down the customer this week to verify that the gesture was legitimate.

Tucker is recovering comfortably at home.


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