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Picture of 3 Italian Grandmas Happily Holding Migrant Kids On Their Laps Might Be the Best Photo of the Week

Picture of 3 Italian Grandmas Happily Holding Migrant Kids On Their Laps Might Be the Best Photo of the Week
It's not hard to see why this gorgeous photo has been shared across European social media sites.

This powerful photo of three Italian grandmothers holding migrant children on their laps has been shared across the internet as a gorgeous example of humanity at its finest.

The picture was originally uploaded to a closed Facebook group called "Sei di Campoli se…" which means "You're from Campoli if…" in English.

According to Rowena De Nigris, the woman who published the photo, the three grannies were taking care of the children at a welcome center for migrants in southern Italy.

"I hope to brighten your day with this wonderful photo," wrote Nigris. "It portrays the ladies of a small village in the province of Benevento that spontaneously and in a completely natural way (human, I dare to say) have become the grandmothers/babysitters of the little guests of the reception center.

"This is integration," she added, "and it's beautiful."

The women pictured in the photo have reportedly been identified as Aunt Nicolina, Aunt Vincenza, and Aunt Maria. Their hometown of Campoli del Monte Taburno has reportedly welcomed many refugees who have sought sanctuary after crossing the Mediterranean Sea from Africa—and these three seniors have made it very clear that they are happy to welcome many more with open arms.

Since the photo has gone viral, a man who claims to be the grandson of one of the women left a nostalgic comment on the picture, saying: "To think that 37 years ago, I was on those same legs, wrapped in the same smile—and now miles away and with a few more years, I'm very happy to be able to share the same emotions with a child I don't know, but who deserves everything and more. You are beautiful, grandmother."

Be Sure And Share This Sweet Photo Of Humanity With Your Friends On Social Media…

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