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Doctor Who Discovered Natural Way to Treat Vertigo for Free Writes Book On How Sufferers Can Thrive

Doctor Who Discovered Natural Way to Treat Vertigo for Free Writes Book On How Sufferers Can Thrive
In addition to discovering a groundbreaking way of treating common vertigo in 2013, Dr. Carol Foster now has a how-to guide on dealing with the condition.

Dr. Carol Foster went viral back in 2013 for discovering a simple, non-pharmaceutical method of dealing with common vertigo in just 3 minutes.

Now, she has written an entire book on how people suffering from the condition can thrive without having to spend hundreds of dollars on medical treatment.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV, is the medical term for dizziness caused by loose crystals in the inner ear. It affects more than eight million people in the United States alone, making it the most common vertigo disorder in the country.

Unfortunately, there are too few professionals who can treat it. Many BBPV sufferers are simply unable to find a solution to ease their suffering.

Foster, who is an Associate Professor of Otolaryngology at the University of Colorado, Denver School of Medicine, suffered from severe vertigo for years. Her personal experience with the disorder made her uniquely qualified and motivated to find a solution that she could share with the world.

"This is why I wrote this book," says Foster. "What I had learned about vertigo as a physician didn't come close to matching what I learned from personal experience. It was much, much worse than I ever imagined before it happened to me."

Foster's experience led her to develop the Half Somersault maneuver and eventually to write her new book, "Overcoming Positional Vertigo", which is available on Amazon.

As Foster says, "it became my life's mission to help as many other people with vertigo as possible."

The book describes and illustrates a simple, effective way to treat the problem at home, for free, in minutes. Instead of having to find a trained specialist or pay for a clinic visit, people with vertigo can quickly learn how to perform the maneuver and how to take other preventative measures to help avoid recurrence.

The book also expands on the basics found in Foster's YouTube video, which has been viewed over five million times.

(WATCH the video below)

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