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Uber Driver Surprises Fast Food Worker With New Clothes After Hearing About Her Christmas Wish

Uber Driver Surprises Fast Food Worker With New Clothes After Hearing About Her Christmas Wish
Upon hearing her passenger talk about her simple dream of getting a new dress for church, this Uber driver couldn't help but grant the woman's wish.

A compassionate Uber driver is being praised for surprising one of her passengers with an unexpected gift.

Lamiyah Jabbar had first picked up Diane early one morning last week so she could take the Tim Hortons employee to work.

As they were chatting during the car ride, Diane mentioned that she had been looking forward to Christmas because she was hoping to receive a new robe, house shoes, and a dress for church.

While these may not seem like extravagant purchases, Diane said that she did not have much money for herself because she uses most of her finances to help take care of her grandkids.

After Jabbar dropped Diane off at work, she abstained from picking up any more passengers so she could head to Old Navy to do some shopping.

Jabbar then returned to the Tim Hortons where Diane worked in Buffalo, New York so she could surprise Diane with a new dress and a $50 Visa gift card for the shoes and robe.

In a video that Jabbar uploaded to Instagram, the Uber driver can be seen pulling up to Diane's drive-thru window to say hi. At first, Diane doesn't recognize her; but then Jabbar reminds her of their conversation earlier that morning and hands Diane the dress.

"This was on my mind from the moment she got out my car, so I had to contribute," Jabbar wrote in the Instagram video caption. "Can you imagine waiting till Christmas just to get a robe, house shoes and a outfit for church? We tend to take things for granted, but why not help someone else if you can?"

Diane was stunned—and extremely grateful for the gift, saying: "Oh my God. Thank you so much! This has been such a horrible day and you just made this day so much better!"

Jabbar later told CBS News that she offered to return to Tim Hortons later that day so she could give Diane a ride home for free.


"I'm one of those people who's like, you can't tell me your issues and I can't move on without helping," she told the news outlet.

Jabbar also said that she does not usually publicize her good deeds on social media, but she hopes that the video will inspire her followers to do something kind for a stranger.

A post shared by Miyah_jabs (@miyah_jabs) on Aug 3, 2019 at 8:51pm PDT

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