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A Gym Made Entirely Out of Melted-Down Knives Provides Powerful Alternative to Violence

A Gym Made Entirely Out of Melted-Down Knives Provides Powerful Alternative to Violence
The free outdoor gym in London made from recycled weapons is encouraging youth to build self-care and wellness instead of a life of crime.

This charity has utilized a powerful medium to dissuade youth from getting into trouble on the streets.

Steel Warriors created an outdoor fitness gym that is made entirely out of recycled knives and blades that were confiscated by the police.

The London gym was crafted using over 2.5 tons of steel from steel weapons that might have encouraged a life of crime. According to the charity, they take "careful steps to avoid building with knives that have been used in conflict" and "all knives used have been discounted as evidence and are set for destruction."

"Knives are in the very DNA of the gym," Steel Warriors co-founder Ben Wintour told Sky News. "If it was just a normal gym people wouldn't necessarily talk about the (knife crime) issue, but because it's built into the gym itself, it gets people talking about it."

Since the gym was established on gang-neutral territory back in 2017, it has garnered praise for its ability to raise awareness about knife crime in London.

Wintour and fellow Steel Warrior co-founder Pia Fontes hope that the exercise space will provide a strong visual example for youngsters to choose wellness and self-care instead of engaging in violence.

(WATCH the video below)

Be Sure And Share This Cutting-Edge Story With Your Friends On Social Media – Photo by Steel Warriors

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