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Fifth Train Attack Hero Speaks Out For the First Time

Fifth Train Attack Hero Speaks Out For the First Time
The French hero just released from a hospital after he was shot confronting a gunman on a train, talked about it, and the American who helped save his life.

The French hero just released from a hospital after he was shot trying to subdue a gunman on a train, talked to Le Figaro about the experience and the American who helped save his life.

Mark Moogalian was the first to become suspicious of the gunman August 21 on a train from Amsterdam to Paris. He spotted a rifle carried by them man emerging from the restroom. After he grabbed the gun and ran, he was shot by an additional handgun carried by the attacker.

That's when the three Americans and British passenger charged at the man, disarmed him and knocked him unconscious. The four were later awarded the Legion of Honor for their actions.

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Moogalian, a 51-year-old French-American professor, living in Paris, recalled the man who saved his life: USAF Airman First Class Spencer Stone.

The 23-year-old California native trained in emergency rescue, placed his hands on the man's neck wound that was spilling blood.

People magazine translated a bit of the interview from Le Figaro:

"He kept talking to me to keep me conscious. He said ‘So, you're from Virginia? I'm from California! Look, man, you're a hero.'"

"You've saved lots of lives. When all this is over, we'll go have a beer together."

Moogalian also will be awarded France's highest honor for his bravery.

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