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Dying Man Pleads With Facebook to Find Home For His Dog and the Response is Overwhelming

Dying Man Pleads With Facebook to Find Home For His Dog and the Response is Overwhelming
Walt Hollier said: "I could have not asked for a better conclusion. It's a win for Diego, a win for me, and a win for men who need a buddy right now."

Upon being diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, Walt Hollier was given just months to live – but thanks to a Facebook post gone viral, his final wish was granted just in time.

The Austin, Texas resident wanted to make sure that both of his dogs would be taken care of after his passing. Hollier's family members had already agreed to adopt Doc, the elderly of the two hounds, but he still had to find a home for Diego; an affectionate 8-year-old red healer.

Last month, Hollier took to Facebook with a plea for someone to adopt Diego and give him a good home.

"He has not shown ANY aggressive behavior in 8 years," wrote Hollier. "He is in great health and loves to run, play, swim, and ride in cars or trucks … He is a great watch dog, and real low maintenance.

"It tears me heart out to lose him, but it would bring me great comfort when I die that he is well taken care of," he added.

Within the very same day, the post went viral. Hollier's note was shared over 65,000 times and he received 100 different adoption offers.

Amidst the outpouring of offers and support, however, Hollier managed to find Diego the perfect home.

Hollier wrote: "Diego has been adopted by The Last Resort. It is a men's recovery center in Smithville, Texasx. He lives on 50 acres of beautiful land with horses and cows and free range. He has 40+ new friends and is acting as a service dog for men in recovery. He is getting lots of TLC, and only being 50 miles away, I can visit him a lot."

"I could have not asked for a better conclusion. It's a win for Diego, a win for me, and a win for men who need a buddy right now. So thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers, and have made me aware of how many good folks there are out there."

Click To Share The Pawesome Story With Your Friends (Photo by Walt Hollier)

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