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Baby Rhino's Reaction to Being Around Snow For The First Time is the Daily Pick-me-up You Need

Baby Rhino's Reaction to Being Around Snow For The First Time is the Daily Pick-me-up You Need
Zohari the 2-month-old rhino had never seen snow before this week – but judging by this adorable video, he really seems to love the powder.

Most human children are delighted by the sight of snow – and this 2-month-old white rhino is no different.

Zohari is a sweet little pachyderm who was born at the Toronto Zoo on December 24th.

As a means of entertaining their young resident, the staff made two little piles of snow in his enclosure earlier this week so they could film his joyous reaction.

Zohari, who had never seen snow before, spent the afternoon excitedly sniffing, eating, charging, and rolling around in the powder – and the video footage of his antics is astonishingly cute.

(WATCH the video below)

Click To Share The Cute Video With Your Friends – Photo by the Toronto Zoo

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